Abbey Theatre

day 109 – We split up for most of the day but theatrical night

Sarah went off to see Newgrange and the Hill of Tara today.  so what was I to do by myself. we both had very good days.  I saw her off on the tour bus and the. Headed for Dublin Castle, did the tour there and wow, what a fantastic place.  there were rooms I swear we’re bigger than my house twice over.  I have pictures but cannot show you until tomorrow night.  the. I walked next door to the Town Hall to see their exhibit.  it was very interesting and they had lots of little films you could sit and watch. so I learned a lot about the history of the City.   I also had lunch there.

The. I took out the map and decided to walk to St Stevens Greento their Christmas Fair.   it was a nice walk over there and nothing seems too far away.  I was not I pressed with the Christmas Fair. Some of the same booths as in Galway. but across the street I saw the DublinCity Museum and went over there to take a look. I went through it, they have quite a collection of regular type items from homes in Dublin that people have donated.  and they have an entire room dedicated to U-2,  Their history etc. the old pictures were fun to see and to read about their beginnings and ups and downs.

As I left there I saw the Hop on Hop Off bus and went over and got out tickets and got on and went to St Patrick’s Cathedral.  it is one of those buildings that kept changing from Catholic to Protestant and back again depending on who was running things in England.  it is the oldest Church in Dublin. I got there just as a tour was starting and the woman giving it was so cute and funny,  We learned a lot and they are doing much there to commemorate those who died from Ireland in WWI and also I learned that .st, Patrick’s color is blue not green. Did you know that? I certainly thought he was in green etc but she said no. he wore blue robes and that is his official representative color.   I also learned than Jonathan Swift who is buried there next to his true love is buried standing up as is she because he was afraid that floods from the river would separate their caskets if they were buried the normal way.  ain’t love grand!!!  !

After the tour I walked back to the hotel to rest my feet and try to nap until Sarah returned.  she came back about 4:30 so we both rested a bit and then headed out at 5:30 to get dinner before the show.  we found a very old pub that served food and had a bit to eat and the. Walked over to the Abbey theatre to see ” She Stoops To Conquer”  It was great.  I thought the Abbey would be like Proctors Theater in Schenectady but itis not. it seemed quite modern. the show was terrific and we laughed and laughed, The cast was so good and I would encourage anyone in Ireland to get over to see it while you can.

We walked back to the hotel and ate a cookie and are trying to get things done so we can get some sleep. we figure we have about six hours to see more things tomorrow so are thinking we will get started as early as we can.
